Name | Description | |
Asia | Asia covers. Afghanistan | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Cambodia | China | Georgia | HongKong | India | Indonesia | Japan | Kazakhstan | NorthKorea | SouthKorea | Kyrgyzstan | Lao | Macao | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Myanmar | Nepal | Pakistan | Philippines | Singapore | SriLanka | Taiwan | Tajikistan | Thailand | TimorLeste | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | VietNam | |
BalticStates | Baltic states contains: Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania. | |
Caribbean | The Caribbeans: Anguilla | AntiguaAndBarbuda | Aruba | Bahamas | Barbados | Bonaire | VirginIslandsBritish | CaymanIslands | Cuba | Curacao | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Grenada | Guadeloupe | Haiti | Jamaica | Martinique | Montserrat | Puerto Rico | Saint Barthelemy | Saint Kitts and Nevis | SaintLucia | Saint Martin | Trinidad And Tobago | Turks and Caicos | US Virgin Islands | |
CentralAmerica | Centrals America contains: Belize | CostaRica | ElSalvador | Guatemala | Honduras | Nicaragua | Panama | |
CentralAsia | Central Asia. | |
CentralEurope | Centrals Europe contains: Austria | CzechRepublic | Croatia | Hungary | Poland | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | |
EastAsia | East Asia. | |
EasternAfrica | Eastern Africa covers Burundi | Comoros | Djibouti | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Kenya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mauritius | Mayotte | Mozambique | Reunion | Rwanda | Seychelles | Somalia | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe |UnitedStatesOutlyingIslands | |
EasternEurope | Eastern Europe contains: Belarus | Ukraine | RussianFederation | Romania | Moldova | Azerbaijan | |
Europe | Europe contains the European union: Austria, AlandIslands , Belgium , Bulgaria , Cyprus , CzechRepublic , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Latvia , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Malta , Netherlands , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden, as well as the European countries outside of the European union: Albania , Andorra , Belarus , BosniaHerzegovina , Croatia , FaroeIslands , Gibraltar , Guernsey , Iceland , Jersey , Liechtenstein , Moldova , Monaco , Montenegro , Norway , RussianFederation , SanMarino , Serbia , Switzerland , Turkey , Ukraine, United Kingdom | |
EuropeanUnion | Countries in the European the union. | |
GetCapitol | get the map locations for with capitals per country | |
GetCountryName | Overloaded. Returns the country name associated with a GeoLocation using the UI culture of the current thread to determine the language | |
GetInternationalCountryName | Overloaded. Gets the name of the international country. | |
GetLocation | Gets the location based on the country name. | |
GetLocations | Get all locations that are in a given location key | |
IsAnBalticState | Determines whether the item is in a Baltic state. | |
IsCentralEuropean | Determines whether the item is in a Centrals European state. | |
IsCountry | determine if the location is a country | |
IsIn | Determines whether the specified location is in a given. | |
IsInAfrica | Determines whether the item is in Africa. | |
IsInAsia | Determines whether the item is in Asia. | |
IsInCentralAmerica | Determines whether the item is in Centrals America . | |
IsInCentralAsia | Determines whether the item is in Eastern Asia | |
IsInEastAsia | Determines whether the item is in Central Asia | |
IsInEasternAfrica | Determines whether the item is in Eastern Africa. | |
IsInEasternEurope | Determines whether the item is in Eastern Europe. | |
IsInEurope | Determines whether the item is in Europe. | |
IsInLatinAmerica | Determines whether the item is in Latin America . | |
IsInMiddleAfrica | Determines whether the item is in Middle Africa. | |
IsInNorthAfrica | Determines whether the item is in North Africa. | |
IsInNorthAmerica | Determines whether the item is in North America . | |
IsInOceania | Determines whether the specified item is in Oceania. | |
IsInSouthAfrica | Determines whether the item is in South Africa. | |
IsInSouthAmerica | Determines whether the item is in South America . | |
IsInSouthAsia | Determines whether the item is in South Asia | |
IsInSouthEastAsia | Determines whether the item is in South East Asia | |
IsInSouthEasternEurope | Determines whether the item is in South Eastern Europe. | |
IsInTheAmericas | Determines whether the item is in the Americas. | |
IsInTheCaribbean | Determines whether the item is in the Caribbean . | |
IsInTheEuropeanUnion | Determines whether the item is in the EuropeanUnion. | |
IsInTheMiddleEast | Determines whether the item in MiddleEast. | |
IsInThePacific | Determines whether the item is in the Pacific | |
IsInWesterAfrica | Determines whether the item is in Wester Africa. | |
IsInWesternAsia | Determines whether location is considered inWestern Asia . | |
IsInWesternEurope | Determines whether the item is in a Western European state. | |
LatinAmerica | Latin America covers. SOUTH_AMERICA and CENTRAL_AMERICA | |
MiddleAfrica | Middle Africa covers Angola | Cameroon | Central African Republic | Chad | Congo | Equatorial Guinea | Gabon | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
MiddleEast | Middles the east contains the flowing countries:
| |
NorthAfrica | North Africa covers Algeria | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | SouthSudan | Sudan | Tunisia | Mauritania | |
NorthAmerica | North America covers: GeoLocation.Anguilla | GeoLocation.AntiguaAndBarbuda | GeoLocation.Aruba | GeoLocation.Bahamas | GeoLocation.Barbados | GeoLocation.Belize | GeoLocation.Bermuda | GeoLocation.Bonaire | GeoLocation.VirginIslandsBritish | GeoLocation.Canada | GeoLocation.CaymanIslands | GeoLocation.CostaRica | GeoLocation.Cuba | GeoLocation.Curacao | GeoLocation.Dominica | GeoLocation.DominicanRepublic | GeoLocation.ElSalvador | GeoLocation.Venezuela | GeoLocation.Greenland | GeoLocation.Grenada | GeoLocation.Guadeloupe | GeoLocation.Guatemala | GeoLocation.Haiti | GeoLocation.Honduras | GeoLocation.Jamaica | GeoLocation.Martinique | GeoLocation.Mexico | GeoLocation.Montserrat | GeoLocation.Nicaragua | GeoLocation.Panama | GeoLocation.PuertoRico | GeoLocation.SaintBarthelemy | GeoLocation.SaintKittsAndNevis | GeoLocation.SaintLucia | GeoLocation.SaintMartin | GeoLocation.SaintPierreAndMiquelon | GeoLocation.SaintVincentandTheGrenadines | GeoLocation.SintMaarten | GeoLocation.TrinidadAndTobago | GeoLocation.TurksAndCaicos | GeoLocation.UnitedStates | GeoLocation.VirginIslandsUS | GeoLocation.Venezuela | |
Oceania | Oceania is a pacific region and contains
| |
Pacific | Pacific islands | |
SouthAfrica | South Africa covers Botswana | Eswatini | Lesotho | Namibia | South Africa | |
SouthAmerica | South America contains: Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Falkland Islands | French Guiana| Guyana | Paraguay | Peru | Suriname | Uruguay | Venezuela | |
SouthAsia | South Asia. | |
SouthEastAsia | South-East Asia. | |
SouthEasternEurope | SouthEastern Europe contains: Albania | BosniaHerzegovina | Croatia | Cyprus | Greece| Moldova| Montenegro| NorthMacedonia | Romania | Serbia | Slovenia| Turkey | |
SupportedCountries | returns the countries that are supported by this system. | |
SupportedIsoCodes | Returns the supported ISO country codes. | |
TheAmericas | The Americas covers NORTH_AMERICA | LATIN_AMERICA | CARIBEAN | |
TryGetCountryName | Tries to get the country name for a GeoLocation, will fail if the location is unknown or a region | |
TryGetGeoLocation | Tries to get the geo location of a country name or the 2 letter ISO country code . | |
TryGetIsoCode | Get the 2 letter ISO code for a given country | |
TryGetValue | Overloaded. Tries to get the country code from a 2 letter ISO string. | |
WesterAfrica | Wester Africa covers Benin | BurkinaFaso | CaboVerde | CoteDivoire | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | GuineaBissau | Liberia | Mali | Mauritania | Niger | Senegal | SierraLeone | Togo | |
WesternAsia | Western Asia. | |
WesternEurope | Western the Europe contain European union as well as: Andorra | FaroeIslands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Iceland | Jersey | Liechtenstein | Monaco | Norway | Switzerland, United Kingdom |