public enum GeoLocation : System.Enum
Member | Description |
Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
AlandIslands | Aland islands (Åland islands, is an autonomous region of Finland Comprising around 6,700 islands) |
Albania | The Republic of Albania |
Algeria | The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria |
ALL | All |
AmericanSamoa | The Territory of American Samoa |
Andorra | The Principality of Andorra |
Angola | The Republic of Angola |
Anguilla | Anguilla |
Antarctica | Antarctica |
AntiguaAndBarbuda | Antigua and Barbuda |
Argentina | The Argentine Republic |
Armenia | The Republic of Armenia |
Aruba | Aruba |
ASIA | Asia covers Afghanistan | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Cambodia | China | Georgia | HongKong | India | Indonesia | Japan | Kazakhstan | NorthKorea | SouthKorea | Kyrgyzstan | Lao | Macao | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Myanmar | Nepal | Pakistan | Philippines | Singapore | SriLanka | Taiwan | Tajikistan | Thailand | TimorLeste | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | VietNam |
Australia | Australia |
Austria | Austria |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan |
Bahamas | The Bahamas |
Bahrain | Bahrain |
BALTIC_STATES | The Baltic states covers Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania |
Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
Barbados | Barbados |
Belarus | Belarus |
Belgium | Belgium |
Belize | Belize |
Benin | Benin |
Bermuda | Bermuda |
Bhutan | Bhutan |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Bonaire | Bonaire |
BosniaHerzegovina | Bosnia Herzegovina |
Botswana | Botswana |
BouvetIsland | The Bouvet island (ice station belonging to Norway |
Brazil | Brazil |
BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY | The British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brunei | Brunei |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
BurkinaFaso | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Burundi |
CaboVerde | Cabo Verde |
Cambodia | Cambodia |
Cameroon | Cameroon |
Canada | Canada |
CARIBBEAN | The Caribbean covers Anguilla | AntiguaAndBarbuda | Aruba | Bahamas | Barbados | Bonaire | VirginIslandsBritish | CaymanIslands | Cuba | Curacao | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Grenada | Guadeloupe | Haiti | Jamaica | Martinique | Montserrat | Puerto Rico | Saint Barthelemy | Saint Kitts and Nevis | SaintLucia | Saint Martin | Trinidad And Tobago | Turks and Caicos | US Virgin Islands |
CaymanIslands | Cayman Islands |
CENTRAL_AMERICA | Central America covers Belize | CostaRica | ElSalvador | Guatemala | Honduras | Nicaragua | Panama |
CENTRAL_ASIA | The central Asia covers Tajikistan | Uzbekistan | Kazakhstan | Turkmenistan | Kyrgyzstan |
CENTRAL_EUROPE | The central Europe covers Austria | CzechRepublic | Croatia | Hungary | Poland | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia |
CentralAfricanRepublic | The Central African Republic |
Chad | The Chad |
Chile | The Chile |
China | The china |
ChristmasIsland | Christmas Island/Christmas (l'Île) |
CocosIsland | Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
Colombia | The Colombia |
Comoros | The Comoros |
Congo | Democratic republic of the Congo |
CookIslands | The cook islands |
CostaRica | The Costa Rica |
CoteDivoire | Cote D'Ivoire (ivory coast) |
Croatia | Croatia |
Cuba | Cuba |
Curacao | Curacao |
Cyprus | Cyprus |
CzechRepublic | Czech republic |
Denmark | Denmark |
Djibouti | Djibouti |
Dominica | Dominica |
DominicanRepublic | Dominican republic |
EASTERN_AFRICA | Eastern Africa covers Brunei | Comoros | Djibouti | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Kenya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mauritius | Mayotte | Mozambique | Reunion | Rwanda | Seychelles | Somalia | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe |
EASTERN_EUROPE | The eastern Europe covers Belarus | Ukraine | RussianFederation | Romania | Georgia | Moldova | Armenia | Azerbaijan |
Ecuador | Ecuador |
Egypt | Egypt |
ElSalvador | El Salvador |
EquatorialGuinea | Equatorial guinea |
Eritrea | Eritrea |
Estonia | Estonia |
Eswatini | Eswatini |
Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
EUROPE | Europe covers EUROPEAN_UNION | Albania | Andorra | Belarus | BosniaHerzegovina | Croatia | FaroeIslands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Iceland | Jersey | Liechtenstein | Moldova | Monaco | Montenegro | Norway | RussianFederation | SanMarino | Serbia | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine |
EUROPEAN_UNION | The European union covers Austria| Aland Islands | Belgium | Bulgaria | Cyprus | CzechRepublic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malta | Netherlands | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden |
FalklandIslands | Falkland islands |
FaroeIslands | Faroe islands |
Fiji | Fiji |
Finland | Finland |
France | France |
FrenchGuiana | French Guiana |
FrenchPolynesia | French Polynesia |
FrenchSouthernTerritories | The French southern territories |
Gabon | Gabon |
Gambia | Gambia |
Georgia | Georgia |
Germany | Germany |
Ghana | Ghana |
Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
Greece | Greece |
Greenland | Greenland |
Grenada | Grenada |
Guadeloupe | Guadeloupe |
Guam | Guam |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guernsey | Guernsey |
Guinea | Guinea |
GuineaBissau | Guinea Bissau |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haiti | Haiti |
HeardIslandandMcDonaldIsland | Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
HolySee | Holy see (Vatican) |
Honduras | Honduras |
HongKong | Hong Kong |
Hungary | Hungary |
Iceland | Iceland |
India | India |
Indonesia | Indonesia |
Iran | Iran |
Iraq | Iraq |
Ireland | Ireland |
IsleofMan | Isle of Aan |
Israel | Israel |
Italy | Italy |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
Japan | Japan |
Jersey | Jersey |
Jordan | Jordan |
Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Kenya | Kenya |
Kiribati | Kiribati |
Kuwait | Kuwait |
Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Lao | Lao |
Latvia | Latvia |
Lebanon | Lebanon |
Lesotho | Lesotho |
Liberia | Liberia |
Libya | Libya |
Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Lithuania |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
Macao | Macao |
Madagascar | Madagascar |
Malawi | Malawi |
Malaysia | Malaysia |
Maldives | Maldives |
Mali | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
MarshallIslands | Marshall islands |
Martinique | Martinique |
Mauritania | Mauritania |
Mauritius | Mauritius |
Mayotte | Mayotte |
Mexico | Mexico |
Micronesia | Micronesia |
MIDDLE_AFRICA | Middle Africa covers Angola | Cameroon | Central African Republic | Chad | Congo | Equatorial Guinea | Gabon | São Tomé and Príncipe |
MIDDLE_EAST | The middle east definition covers = Bahrain | Iraq | Iraq | Israel | Jordan | Kuwait | Lebanon | Oman | Palestine | Qatar | SaudiArabia | Syrian | Yemen |
Moldova | Moldova |
Monaco | Monaco |
Mongolia | Mongolia |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
Montserrat | Montserrat |
Morocco | Morocco |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Myanmar | Myanmar |
Namibia | Namibia |
Nauru | Nauru |
Nepal | Nepal |
Netherlands | Netherlands |
NewCaledonia | Caledonia. |
NewZealand | New Zealand. |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Niger | Niger |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Niue | Niue |
NorfolkIsland | Norfolk island |
NORTH_AFRICA | North Africa covers Algeria | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | SouthSudan | Sudan | Tunisia | Mauritania |
NORTH_AMERICA | North America covers Bermuda | Canada | Greenland | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | United States |
NorthernMarianaIslands | Northern Mariana islands |
NorthKorea | North Korea |
NorthMacedonia | North Macedonia |
Norway | Norway |
OCEANIA | The Oceania definition covers Australia | Fiji | FrenchPolynesia | Guam | Kiribati | MarshallIslands | Micronesia | NewCaledonia | NewZealand | PapuaNewGuinea | Samoa | SolomonIslands | Tonga | Vanuatu |
Oman | Oman |
PACIFIC | Pacific region islands |
Pakistan | Pakistan |
Palau | Palau |
Palestine | Palestine |
Panama | Panama |
PapuaNewGuinea | Papua new guinea |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Peru | Peru |
Philippines | Philippines |
Pitcairn | The Pitcairn |
Poland | Poland |
Portugal | Portugal |
PuertoRico | Puerto Rico |
Qatar | Qatar |
RepCongo | the Republic of the Congo |
Reunion | Reunion |
Romania | Romania |
RussianFederation | Russian federation |
Rwanda | Rwanda |
SaintBarthelemy | Saint Barthélemy |
SaintHelenaAscensionAndTristanDaCunha | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
SaintKittsAndNevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
SaintLucia | Saint Lucia |
SaintMartin | Saint Martin |
SaintPierreAndMiquelon | Saint Pierre and miquelon |
SaintVincentandTheGrenadines | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Samoa | Samoa |
SanMarino | San Marino |
SaoTomeAndPrincipe | Sao Tome and Principe |
SaudiArabia | Saudi Arabia |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Serbia |
Seychelles | The Seychelles |
SierraLeone | The Sierra Leone |
Singapore | Singapore |
SintMaarten | Sint Maarten |
Slovakia | Slovakia |
Slovenia | Slovenia |
SolomonIslands | Solomon islands |
Somalia | Somalia |
SOUTH_AFRICA | South Africa covers Botswana | Eswatini | Lesotho | Namibia | South Africa |
SOUTH_AMERICA | South America contains Argentina | Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Colombia | Ecuador | Falkland Islands | French Guiana | Paraguay | Peru | Suriname | Uruguay | Venezuela |
SOUTH_EASTERN_EUROPE | The south eastern Europe covers Albania | BosniaHerzegovina | Croatia | Cyprus | Greece| Moldova| Montenegro| NorthMacedonia | Romania | Serbia | Slovenia| Turkey |
SouthAfrica | South Africa |
SouthKorea | South Korea |
SouthSudan | South Sudan |
Spain | Spain |
SriLanka | Sri Lanka |
Sudan | Sudan |
Suriname | Suriname |
Sweden | Sweden |
Switzerland | Switzerland |
Syrian | Syrian |
Taiwan | Taiwan |
Tajikistan | Tajikistan |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Thailand | Thailand |
TimorLeste | Timor Leste (East Timor) |
Togo | Togo |
Tokelau | Tokelau |
Tonga | Tonga |
TrinidadAndTobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia | Tunisia |
Turkey | Turkey |
Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan |
TurksAndCaicos | Turks and Caicos |
Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
Uganda | Uganda |
Ukraine | Ukraine |
UnitedArabEmirates | The United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
UnitedKingdom | The United Kingdom |
UnitedStates | The United States |
UnitedStatesOutlyingIslands | The United states outlying islands (Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island, Navassa Island.) |
UnKnown | Unknown region or not supported by provider |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
VietNam | Viet Nam |
VirginIslandsBritish | British Virgin Islands |
VirginIslandsUS | The virgin islands (United States) |
WallisAndFutuna | Wallis and Futuna |
WESTER_AFRICA | Wester Africa covers Benin | BurkinaFaso | CaboVerde | CoteDivoire | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | GuineaBissau | Liberia | Mali | Mauritania | Niger | Senegal | SierraLeone | Togo |
WESTERN_EUROPE | Western Europe covers EUROPEAN_UNION | Andorra | FaroeIslands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Iceland | Jersey | Liechtenstein | Monaco | Norway | Switzerland, United Kingdom |
Yemen | Yemen |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2