Walter.Web.FireWall.Models Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Walter.Web.FireWall Assembly : Walter.Web.FireWall.Models Namespace
Class Breadcrumb navigation item showing the navigation of a given user
Class Class CompressionData records the minification compression effectiveness and savings per endpoint
Class Documentation container for documentation elements used in the FrameWork
Class Class FireWallStackItem.
Class Class KpiEntry contains the processing time consumed by a given page for a given step.
Class Class KpiPageEntry is a entry to the page firewall key performance indicators.
Class Class NameCount contains name and count pair data.
Class Requested URL that are not discovered by the firewall and are Phishy by nature
Class The site-map link contains a link that was discovered using the User detection framework
Class Class contain information for how often a user agent was found in a given context
Class The structure VisitStats contains the visiting data for a given user on a given resource.
Interface Interface describing a reset rule that was triggered against the firewall internal incident data.
Interface Firewall session object keeps track of the user and his action and visit duration
Interface The firewall assigned user
Interface debugger proxy value
Interface Firewall violation record
Interface Interface IIncident
Interface AN INcedent action
Interface Requested URL that are not discovered by the firewall and are Phishy by nature
Interface Interface ISimpleISP
Interface Interface IVisitStats
Structure Data structure GuardValuation contains the result of guard actions executed by a given page request.
Structure IP address subscription entry
Structure the structure UserScreen is populated when using the JavaScript implementation and the firewall renders page requests
Enumeration Indicates the action that need to be taken when a compromised application was detected by the firewall
Enumeration Enum AppliedUrlRules shows additional rules that are applied to a given URL
Enumeration Classification type of rule associated with a reset event
Enumeration Site-map search result contains information on the navigation by the user
See Also


Walter.Web.FireWall Assembly