DiscoveredRout Class Members
Properties  Methods 

Walter.Web.FireWall Assembly > Walter.Web.FireWall.Infrastructure Namespace : DiscoveredRout Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DiscoveredRout.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the DiscoveredRout class.  
Public Properties
Public Property Gets or sets the action.  
Public Property Gets the action rout if specified. The rout would override the action's name in the URL  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint blocks Addhock request  
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether [allow anonymous].  
Public Property Rules used to provide security to a URL endpoint  
Public Property Gets the names of the attributes that have been assigned to the endpoint.  
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether users must have been authorized to access this route.  
Public Property Times the resource was blocked and not send to the user  
Public Property Defines a rule indicating successive violation will alter the block duration  
Public Property Times the page was not served to a user identified as being a Bot  
Public Property Times the page was not served to a user identified as being a human  
Public Property Times the page was not served to a user identified as being a search engine  
Public Property indicates that no access to the resource is possible for a given port  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint blocks frequent where the user-agent used has the wrong reputation  
Public Property Gets the issues encountered when generating the protection settings for this discovered rout.  
Public Property Gets or sets the controller.  
Public Property Gets the controller rout if specified. The rout would override the controllers's name in the URL ///  
Public Property Rule how to work with Cross Site Requests (CORS)  
Public Property Gets the type of the document that is being interacted with from the standpoint of the firewall.  
Public Property Gets the filtering instructions for the firewall on an action.  
Public Property The configuration endpoint used by the firewall using 2nd layer protection for firewalls that use MVC and Pages  
Public Property If set to true the firewall will not test any rule in the endpoint  
Public Property First time the URL was requested, null if never requested  
Public Property Gets the full URL that is domain name as well as Url (controller + action) or Route attribute.  
Public Property Geographical block configuration for this endpoint  
Public Property exclusion rule for endpoint  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has anti-forgery.  
Public Property Indicates that the endpoint has no annotation and the default rules will apply  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint blocks frequent hit request  
Public Property Annotation that can be used to declare that an endpoint is a honey-pot-trap and any access should be considered a malicious by the firewall  
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether this routed request will execute asynchronous.  
Public Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is file (physical or virtual).  
Public Property Gets a value indicating whether this instance is the site's home page.  
Public Property Internet service provider reputation filter  
Public Property Rule how to work with known malicious users  
Public Property Last time the URL was requested, null if never requested  
Public Property Gets the type of endpoint that this route links to. possible values are Page, Resource, ApiEndpoint, JsonEndpoint, PhysicalFile, VirualFile.  
Public Property Rule how to work with malicious UserAgents  
Public Property Gets the maximum access for invalid user access attempts redirect URL. Gets or sets the protocol method.  
Public Property The average minification that the firewall is able to do on this endpoint  
Public Property The NoValidate option tells the firewall what rules to skip  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint blocks frequent hit request  
Public Property Contains the parameter names if endpoints contains parameters  
Public Property Gets the parameters of the action if any.  
Public Property The parameter types in the method  
Public Property Path to the endpoint in form of {namespace}.{class}.{method} or location on disk for a physical file  
Public Property Gets or sets the type of the data type returned.  
Public Property page scrubbing protection configuration override  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint blocks frequent where the page was not visible from the users rendered resources  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether to tolerate wrong protocol methods.  
Public Property Indicate that a endpoint controls what users are permitted  
Public Property Times resource was send to any type of consumer including that at the time of server are not known (typically first page);  
Public Property Times resource was send to Bots  
Public Property Times resource was send to Humans  
Public Property Times resource was send to Search Engines  
Public Property Gets or sets the user groups blocked you can combine the user groups to allow several types of users.. If assigned then it indicates that IP CIDR address range has been White-listed, access from all others locations is prohibited  
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Determines whether the specified System.Uri points to this endpoint.  
Public Method Returns a hash code for this instance.  
Public Method Create creates the json for a DiscoveredRout  
Public MethodReturns a System.String that represents this instance.  
Extension Methods
Public Extension Method implements parsing to cast a type from string to a type
See Also


DiscoveredRout Class
Walter.Web.FireWall.Infrastructure Namespace