| Name | Description |
 | AllowAddhockAccess |
If true allow the download of protected resources without having been used on a page, normally indicates a developer loading the resource
 | AllowLocalViolations |
AllowRaiseIncident violations if the IP address is a IP address of this server
 | AllowNonAspNetRequests |
Gets or sets the times you would like to allow non ASP net requests
and redirect it to the home page or the special redirect url for.
 | AllowNonAspNetRequestsIn |
Gets or sets the timespan for non ASP net requests will be measured in.
 | AllowPenetrationAttempts |
Gets or sets the times you would like to allow Penetration probing
and redirect it to the home page or the special redirect url for.
 | AllowPenetrationAttemptsIn |
Gets or sets the timespan for non ASP net requests will be measured in.
 | AllowUsersByDefault |
Defines the user group that would be granted access to endpoints. By default any user will be allowed except those as identified as being malicious.
 | AllowWhiteListing |
Indicates if white-listing is allowed regardless of the configuration.
 | AlwaysOffOnStaticFiles | Will by default, disable the firewall from applying rules to all physical/ static files. |
 | BlacklistLevelHoneyPotPortAccess |
Gets or sets the blacklist level for when detecting when any of the honey pot ports is being access.
 | BlockedPatterns | The blocking patterns that are used for rejecting penetration attempts |
 | BlockHoneyPotUsers |
Block users with HoneyPot access
 | BlockNonAspNetRequestsFor |
Gets or sets the block duration for non ASP net requests.
 | BlockPenetrationAttemptsFor |
Gets or sets the block duration for non ASP net requests.
 | BlockReplay |
If true, the default it will blocks replay attempts
 | BlockRequest |
Default value for how to deal with blocking request on endpoints that have no rules configured by use of attribute annotations.
 | BlockTorRequests |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to block tor requests.
 | BlockUserAgentsConsideredMalicious |
Block requests from user Bots and Browser that have been flagged as "ConsideredMalicious"
  | Default |
Default configuration
 | DefaultInternetServiceProviderReputation |
the Default trust level a Internet service provider must have for the UTL to be served
 | GuardActionEventId |
Gets or sets the guard action event identifier.
 | GuardActionLogLevel |
Gets or sets the guard action log level.
 | Headers |
headers configuration in regards to rules
 | HoneyPotListners |
Honey-pot listener configurations monitoring non HTTP requests
 | IgnoreRequestsThatAreNotDiscovered |
Gets a value indicating whether to ignore requests that are not discovered or not listed in [DomainKey].DiscoveRrouts.json.
 | IgnoreRobotsTxt |
Ignore Robots.txt rules
 | IncidentEventId |
Gets or sets the incident event identifier.
 | IncidentLogLevel |
Gets or sets the incident log level.
 | LoadEndpointConfigurationFromDisk |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to load endpoint configuration from disk.
 | MonitorCommunicationsNotInPorts |
If set to a set of values, say the firewall will notify if communication outside of the noted ports occurred by any DLL in the solution.
You can access this throe the firewall's interface IFireWall.IregularNetworkCommunications
 | NoValidate |
Rules to disable at a application level
 | PhysicalFileWallExcludeReasons | Reasons that will cause the disk logger to not write block rules to disk file for physical firewall integration |
 | PropagateExpiredRulesEveryMinutes |
Gets or sets the interval used to propagate expired rules in minutes.
 | RedirectAllRequestsOnDiskManipulation |
If set, the firewall will redirect all requests to the indicated URI.
 | RedirectBrowserDeveloperToolsUsersTo |
Gets or sets the redirect browser when users are using the browsers developer tools. set to Null or String.Empty to disable
 | RedirectNonAspNetRequestsTo | Get or set the redirect URL for all non ASP net requests if the AllowNonAspNetRequests frequency in AllowNonAspNetRequestsIn has not been violated. |
 | RedirectPenetrationAttemptsTo | Get or set the redirect URL for penetration attempts if the AllowPenetrationAttempts frequency in AllowPenetrationAttemptsIn has not been violated. |
 | RedirectTorRequestsTo |
Gets or sets the redirect when a Tor requests is detected.
 | RedirectUrlPhishingTo |
Gets or sets the redirect URL when phishing is detected,
this might be a old link or some one manually types a link that does not exists.
 | RejectUsersByDefault |
Define the user groups that would get rejected by default. If nothing is specified then the default type that will always get rejected is any user group identified as malicious
 | Rules |
Access the rules that are defined
 | StopTestingForViolationsOnFirstViolation |
Indicate to test for all violations to collect more malicious activity, of to save CPU time and cancel evaluating rules after the first incident.
 | TerminateApplicationOnDiskManipulation |
If set to true the firewall will no longer serve requests
 | TolerateMaximumViolations |
Gets or sets the tolerate maximum violations allowed in the TolerateMaximumViolationsIn timespan settings (default 1 incidents in 1 minute).
 | TolerateMaximumViolationsIn |
Gets or sets the tolerate maximum violations in a given Timespan, the longer the time the more restrictive and the more likely a user will get rejected.
 | TolerateWrongProtocolMethod |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to tolerate wrong protocol method, meaning a post when expecting a get, this usually indicates a bug in development or a scripted attack in production.
 | TrustedCrossSiteDomains | A list of trusted domains in that are picked up by the CrossSite when assuming access to a endpoint is to be limited. |
 | Uses |
The value is set by the runtime and is used in reporting indicating the level of protection that is enabled.
 | ViolationsExpireAfter |
Will tell the violation to expire after a given time, the default is 20 minutes.
Use annotations to control firewall blocking rules