Name | Description | |
APIKeyHeaderName | The name used in the header name to store the API key in | |
BlockAccessIsUserIsAssumedBlocked | Gets or sets a value indicating whether block access to administrative controller if the is user is assumed blocked. | |
DisplayName | The name you would like to assign to the data when connecting to the dashboard | |
ForceEncryption | Gets or sets the value indication that messages have to be encrypted before they are send over SSL | |
GenerateConnectFile | Instructs the firewall to generate a connect file | |
InvalidateRequestsAfter | Only accept requests if the time difference between the server and the client is withing a given timespan | |
LogDashboardRequests | Gets or sets the log administration requests that are not related to incidents. | |
MaximumFailedLoginAttempts | The amount of failed logins to tolerate | |
MaximumFailedLoginAttemptsIn | The timespan used to measure failed login attempts | |
Port | communicate with firewall on specified port | |
ProtectDiscoveryAPIWithPassword | Instructs the firewall to protect the discovery API with a password. | |
SaveAbuseReportsTo | Gets or sets the directory that will be used if Abuse reports are uploaded by the firewall dashboard user, if not set or set to null the default will be used | |
TokenConfiguration | the custom authentication token header used to authorize users in the firewall | |
Users | Users |