Name | Description | |
Benevolent | counts how often we identified it as being used without incidents | |
Capabilities | counts how often Capabilities where communicated | |
Frequency | counts how often we identified it | |
IsAsk | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Ask IP address | |
IsBaido | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Baido IP address | |
IsBing | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Bing IP address | |
IsBlekko | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Blekko IP address | |
IsCrawler | counts how often we identified it as a crawler | |
IsDuckDuckGo | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a DuckDuckGo IP address | |
IsExalead | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a EXALEAD IP address | |
IsFaceBook | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a FaceBook IP address | |
IsGiGaBlast | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a GiGaBlast IP address | |
IsGoogle | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Google IP address | |
IsHuman | counts how often we identified it as a being a human | |
IsLinkedIn | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a LinkedIn IP address | |
IsPinterest | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Pinterest IP address | |
IsSearchEngine | User agent is discovered as being from a search engine IP address | |
IsTwitter | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Twitter IP address | |
IsYahoo | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Yahoo IP address | |
IsYandex | Browser was used by a search engine we know comes from a Yandex IP address | |
JavaScript | counts how JavaScript often what used | |
Malicious | counts how often we identified it as being used maliciously | |
NoKnownSearchEngine | User agent is discovered as not being from a known and supported search engine IP address | |
OnDesktop | Counts how often the use of a desktop type device was discovered | |
OnMobile | Counts how often the use of a mobile type device was discovered | |
OnTablet | Counts how often the use of a tablet type device was discovered | |
PoisonedCookies | Generated Poisoned Cookies | |
SupportsCookies | Supports the use of cookies | |
SuspiciousHeaders | counts how often suspicious headers where discovered | |
TriggeredIncidents | The number of incidents triggered using this user agent | |
UseKeybord | counts how often keyboard was used and was communicated | |
UseMouse | counts how often mouse capabilities and usage was communicated | |
UseScreenRotate | counts how often screen rotation capabilities and usage was communicated | |
UseTouchScreen | counts how often touch-screen capabilities and usage was communicated |