IWhois Interface Methods

Walter.Net.Networking Assembly > Walter.Net.Networking Namespace : IWhois Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IWhois members.

Public Methods
 Method Adds the specified IP range if missing from.  
 Method Appends the remarks with remarks from a contact details entry.  
 Method Make a deep copy of the WHOIS entry  
 Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Get an empty IWhois entry for a IP address  
 MethodOverloaded.  Determines whether the IP address is in range of this WHOIS entry.  
 Method Merge whois records from 2 sources  
 Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)Overloaded.  generate a shallow whois for the specified address.  
 Method Generate a simple HTML address tag of the ISP contact details  
 Method convert to valid native WHOIS json  
See Also


IWhois Interface
Walter.Net.Networking Namespace