Name | Description | |
Database | The database that was likely used in the statement | |
ErrorLevel | a friendly reminder of what the Severity codes mean | |
LineNumber | Gets the line number within the Transact-SQL command batch or stored procedure that contains the error. | |
Message | Gets the text describing the error. | |
Number | Gets a number that identifies the type of error. | |
Procedure | Gets the name of the stored procedure, SQL Statement or remote procedure call (RPC) that generated the error. | |
Server | Gets the name of the instance of SQL Server that generated the error. | |
Severity | Gets the severity level of the error returned from SQL Server. | |
Source | Gets the name of the provider that generated the error. | |
State | An arbitrary number from 1-255 that states "a stale of the error" and is used as a code identifier in the a statement, defaults to 0 if no error but set to 1 in case of an error, normally the code is an indication as to where the error ocured |