IDatabaseTools Interface Methods

Walter.DataTools.MsSql Assembly > Walter.DataTools.MsSql Namespace : IDatabaseTools Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IDatabaseTools members.

Public Methods
 Method Bulks the import data into a SQL server database.  
 Method Executes the provided SQL statement, make sure no external SQL can be injected.  
 MethodOverloaded.  executes a stored procedure on the database  
 MethodOverloaded.  executes a stored procedure on the database  
 Method Execute a set of procedures  
 MethodOverloaded. Executes the stored procedure and returns a data reader.  
 MethodExecutes the stored procedure and returns a data reader.  
 MethodOverloaded.  Executes a scalar stored procedure.  
 Method Executes a scalar stored procedure.  
 MethodOverloaded.  Execute all statements  
 MethodExecute a batch of statements  
 Method Get a list of values from json for a type that implements Parse  
 Method Gets a queue of T where the data can be processed of from.  
 MethodOverloaded.  Get a list of typed classes from json for a type that implements Parse where T1 can be created using T2 as constructor parameter  
 Method Tries the database exists.  
 Method Tries to execute a set of statements provides a detailed result on the individual statements  
 Method Tries to see if the table is empty.  
 Method uses a cloud based connection  
 Method tests to see if the firewall uses a fail-over partner  
See Also


IDatabaseTools Interface
Walter.DataTools.MsSql Namespace